Handyman Door Repair Services
At Our Home Handyman we provide a door repair service to the Manchester area. We handle a multitude of door-related problems, ensuring that your doors not only function seamlessly but also stand the test of time.
Whether it’s a door hinge adjustment, door lock replacement, door planing, weatherstripping replacement or door frame repair, our customers are covered. If you require a handyman door repair service, where no job is too small, please get in touch on 07779 532 113 (Mike).
Handyman Door Hinge Repair Services:
Whether your door has a broken hinge, or it has completely fallen off, we can expertly repair or replace hinges. Our handyman door hinge repair service ensures that the door hinges are securely fixed preventing any future issues.
The number one cause of door hinges pulling from the door or frame is over the door coat hooks. Internal doors, more often than not have hollow cores, they just cant deal with a multitude of coats hanging off them. For any door repair services please get in touch.

Handyman Door Planing Services:
Doors catching on the floor? especially after the installation of new carpets, is a common issue many of our customers face. With our handyman door planing services, we can plane the door on the bottom quite easily to prevent any more catching on the floor.

Handyman Door Trimming Services:
If your door is misaligned, causing issues with closure or fit, our handyman door trimming services can trim or plane the door to restore proper alignment. This approach ensures that your doors fit seamlessly within their frames. Depending on where the door needs to be planed, dictates how long it will take this handyman door trimming service.
Planing the top or bottom of a door is quicker than the sides, this is due to hinges on one side, lock on the other. Sometimes its the door hinges that need adjusting as doors do move over time. For any handyman door trimming services, get in touch, we’re here to help.
Handyman Door Latch Repair Services:
When you have to pull or push a door really hard to open or close, more often than not its catching on the door latch. This is the number one cause of our customers getting stuck inside a room, its because the door latch doesn’t fully retract within the door when you try to open it.
Over time the internal spring of door latches degrade causing this issue. These door latches cost less than £5 and under an hour for our handymen to replace. If you require a handyman door latch repair service, do get in touch.
Handyman Door Handle Repair Services:
Broken or worn-out handles can not only be inconvenient but also compromise the security of your space. We can repair or replace our customers door handles efficiently, offering both functional and aesthetically pleasing solutions for your doors. If you require a handyman door handle repair service, plese do get in touch.

Handyman Door Lock Repair Service:
When your wooden door has a sticky lock, more often than not a front or back door, its best to replace as it will never repair itself. Circa £20 the cost of a new exterior door lock, how much for a locksmith at 11pm of a Saturday night? If you require a handyman door lock repair service, please get in touch.
Handyman uPVC Door Lock Repair Services:
When your uPVC door has a sticky lock, its best to replace. Circa £20 the cost of a new uPVC euro door lock. We highly recommend our customers purchase a uPVC thumb turn lock, key not required to get out, especially in an emergency late at night.
Ever tried to unlock a uPVC door but someone left the key in on the other side, with a thumb turn lock this will never happen again. If you need a handyman uPVC door lock repair service, then do call.

Contact Us for Handyman Door Repair Services
All work professionally carried out and guaranteed to last. To arrange a handyman door repair service or perhaps some practical advice, contact Our Home Handyman on 07779 532 113. (Mike)